Roller Derby - Announcers
Skaters, NSOs, Refs all help make the game happen but the announcers and the fans make it come alive. Whipping up the crowd to support either team creates excitment at any bout especially if the scores are close or the game goes in to an overtime jam. They also help the uninitiated understand what is going on, whether they are announcing 'live' or on the video feed that many larger tournaments put on to accomodate spectators that are unable to travel, especially as the sport is becoming more global.
Helliverance whips up the crowd durning half-time of the final of the first Men's Roller Derby World Cup, Birmingham, England, 2014.
Roller Derby World Cup, Dallas, Texas, 2014.
London Rollergirls announcers strike a pose.
Announcing on the 'live' feed to fans across the world. Men's Eurpoean Cup, Newcastle, England, 2016.
Sui-Cider on announcing duties.
The 'live' feed at the second World Cup in Dallas, Texas, 2014.
Billy No-Skates giving me hand signals. I think this means two coffees.
Raw Heidi anouncing at the London Roller Girls versus Gotham Girls Roller Derby bout in Newark, England, 2016.
The 'live' feed at the first Roller Derby World Cup in Toronto, Canada, 2011.
Announcers at the first World Cup in Toronto, Canada, 2011.
Quadriguez announcing at the first Men's Roller Derby World Cup, Birmingham, England, 2014.
Sven and Bob Noxious at the second World Cup in Dallas, Texas, 2014.
King Crazy on the 'live' feed at the first Men's World Cup in Birmingham, England, 2014.
Helliverance whips up the crowd once more at the Men's European Cup, Newcastle, England, 2016.