Roller Derby - Blockers
It's the blockers job to stop the jammer from making it through the pack using whatever legal means they can, shutting them down, holding them back and knocking them out of play.
London Rollergirls versus Rose City Rollers
Jessica Rammit of London Rockin' Rollers
Helsinki Roller Derby at Track Queens, Battle Royal, Berlin 2012
Kent Roller Girls at Tattoo Freeze, Telford, 2014
London Rollergirls versus Tiger Bay Brawlers at Crystal Palace, London 2014
Bruising Banditas at the Great Yorkshire Showdown
Brighton Rockers Roller Derby versus Bristol Roller Derby at Alexandra Palace, London 2013
Bruise'em Banshee, Rainy City Roller Derby
London Rollergirls versus Windy City Rollers, Anarchy III, Guildford 2013
Leeds Roller Dolls versus Dublin Roller Derby, Leeds
Crime City Rollers versus Glasgow Roller Derby, Track Queens, Battle Royal, Berlin 2012
Central City Rollergirls versus Bristol Roller Girls, Alexandra Palace, 2013