Roller Derby - Training
It doesn't matter how good you are, how long you have been skating, everyone has to start somewhere. Some people come to the sport with many years of skating behind them, others, can barely stand up on skates. However there's more to Derby than just skating, team building, tactics, as well as being willing to help out in some of the more mundane aspects are all required. That track won't lay itself. Many teams train two or three nights/days a week, with many skaters spending additional time in the gym to build core muscle strength and improve their stamina. These are some of my older shots of the Sheffield Steel Rollergirls as I rarely shoot training sessions any longer. They were learning to play Derby, I was learning on how to shoot it.
England Tryouts this way. Skaters from across the country applied to be part of England Roller Derby. Two selection sessions, one North and one South helped whittle down the field with a final selection process being held in the midlands.
Rogue playing at the England Roller Derby Red versus White bout as part of the WFTDA World Summit weekend.
The first selection day was held at Rainy City's Thunderdome in Oldham.
Skaters rest between drills and scrim.
The selection process is underway.
Skaters compete for places in the team at the final selection day. I was unable to attend the southern selection day due to other commitments.
Taking a break between drills.
My first attempt at shooting Roller Derby, not a bout, just a training session held in the sports hall at Norton College (now demolished).My pictures were pretty terrible.
A team shot after the practise session, yep, there were just five on them. The foundations of the Sheffield team.
I returned on several occassions to learn more about the sport and develop my photographic skills, which were in dire need of improving.
The first team shot of the Sheffield Steel Rollergirls, on a cold and windy Sunday morn, just after the New Year.