Roller Derby - Jammers
Jammers score the points.They have to be quick, nimble and powerful to break through the pack, scoring one point for every opposition player past after their inital pass.
Helsinki Roller Derby versus Go Go Gent Roller Girls at Track Queens, Battle Royal 2012
Kamikaze Kitten, England Roller Derby at the first Roller Derby World Cup
Crime City Rollers at Track Queens, Battle Royal
Short Stop, Team Australia at the first Roller Derby World Cup
London Rollergirls, Brawl Saints versus Glasgow Roller Derby
Juicy Lucy, London Rollergirls / Ultraviolent Femmes
Livid Doll, Leeds Roller Dolls
Stockholm Roller Derby versus Glasgow Roller Derby, Track Queens, Battle Royal
Kent Roller Girls versus Birmingham Blitz Dames at Tattoo Freeze
Team Sweden at the first Roller Derby World Cup
London Rollergirls, 'Batter C' versus Brighton Rockers Roller Derby
London Rockin' Rollers vs Brussels Derby Pixies
London Brawling, London Rollergirls vs Gotham Girls All-Stars